Saturday, December 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

Carry the tale at the tip of my tongue
that tells of the time that I've spent
Carry the tale at the tip of my tongue
to the ends of the earth and beyond

And I bow lower
ever lower
down to the ground
to where I am bound

Sending my love with all of my heart
to the man that I'll miss ever more
Sending my love with all of my heart
to the girl that I thought I'd become

And I bow lower
ever lower
down to the ground
to where I am bound

Giving my thanks to all of the world
for the ache in my bones as they grow
Giving my thanks to all of the world
for such a magnificent show

I thank all the demons and angels that had me
I know that I've been a good child
And all of the mornings I have yet to wake
I pray they will be as they've been

For all that I know I've been broken and whole
Naked in the light and warm in the dark
Safe in danger, endangered when safe
And all the while
I've been happy
I've been sad
And the drum in my chest
Finds the rhythm in this

So I have no complaints

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