Sunday, April 1, 2012

Conspiracy, Creativity and Concerns

(This post is inspired by the book "Robotfolket" written by Mats Sederholm & Linda Bjuvgård.  To me, the most important thing with the book, which is also the main reason to why I would recommend it, is that it introduces a way of changing circumstances effectively, other than by politics which is often a slow process and far from always effective. ) 

- The world is run by an elite consisting of members of the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, Freemasons and other secret societies.
- The unions, such as the european and african, are milestones on the way of creating a world government; a plan that has since long been on display in order for a small group of people to gain complete power over the rest of the world.
- Epidemics, global warming, the threat of terrorism and financial crises are all ways for the already mentioned elite to seize control; "Divide et impera" (divide and rule).

Are you familiar with these assertions? I think you are. At least with one or two of them. I was too, when I started reading the swedish book "Robotfolket" (unfortunately it has not yet been translated into other languages). The book was given to me with the intention to give me a sort of soft introduction to this alternative perception of reality. Because there are indeed many spokesmen of these conspiracies, that are far too extreme in their views for someone who has never been in touch with them before (David Icke for example, just to mention one) and will not but frighten those who otherwise could have learned something from it. I have always had an interest in these alternative point of views. My own intention, however, has never been to let myself be convinced of one thing or another, but to become aware of the many perspectives that exist, in order to see the world,  not with clearer eyes, but with a wider field of vision.
        This book is excellent for those who want to know more about on which grounds the conspirators form their theories and how the term conspiracy often is a result of not only wild imagination and in many ways also inspiring creativity, but also serious concern for the world that surrounds us. For as far as I can see, the errors the authors of the book find in society, I find too. But my reasons for their existence might not correspond with theirs'. Here is one example and my evaluation of it:

Pills to reduce feelings of depression and difficulties with sleep and concentration are taken to, what may seem like, an unhealthy extent today. Why?

- The book argues that it is because of a deteriorating public health, caused by stress, which in turn is caused by unreasonable demands made by society. Just as it is bad to temporarily force down a fever with an aspirin in order to be able to keep going to work, it is bad, if not even worse, to take a pill to remove the symptoms of too much pressure in order to keep going on with the lifestyle that brought you into the unhealthy condition in the first place. The body shows clear signs of something being wrong. In many cases pills are short-term short cuts to keep managing the every day life, the every day life that obviously isn't quite as it should be. I suppose this is how the book wants to tell us that the power elite has found yet another way to easier control us. Something is wrong.  But we do not have the time to question or to dig for the roots to our problems. We do not have to do that. It is hard and will take a lot of time which will cost a lot of money. It is much easier and cheaper to just go to a doctor and get a prescription for Ritalin and be done with it.
       Now, what we have to consider is: are we really under more pressure today than we were before? Do you think people generally had less to worry about a hundred or two hundred years ago? If it is so, it might be a sign that we're moving towards something that is not of a good nature (be it a world government or something else). But, I think not. At least I do not think it is a dramatic difference although it of course varies slightly over the years. People who lived before might not have lived the same hectic lives as  we are, but they probably had other factors that caused them to feel the burden of too heavy a load. The difference is that today we have pills, and they are very easy to come by. Today it is more or less of a trend, to take medicines that we do not really need. And yes, in Sweden it could be said that it is forged by 'authorities', since the government sold out and privatized  the pharmacies which causes them to compete more, which makes them more of a candy shop for the body, or a fashion shop for the mind and character, than an actual pharmacy existing to support the ill.
     But in the end, it is up to you and me and not someone you perceive to be above you to decide wether you are going to keep doing something just because everybody else is doing it, or, if you are going to look for the reasons to why everybody is doing it and then judge if it is right to be doing so or not. Let us not forget the wit of the witty Anatole France: "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." If you start to look for the reasons for people taking pills and not early stop the chain of "whys", you might end up asking yourself questions like why you admit to unreasonable working conditions. Or why you admit to let a specific grade in school classify you as smart or silly. Or why you spend hours stuck in traffic at rush hour losing that precious time of yours, instead of taking the bus that would have either given you time to do things on your journey other than keeping an eye on the stuck traffic or get you to the place you were supposed to get to much faster... Why do we let norms limit us?

This is only one of the questions conspiracy might lead you to. With a bit of creativity even the most wild and crazy assumptions about the world can become a matter of concern. After all, it is not wrong to assume the worst. That, those of us who have studied traffic knows well. A driver is told to always assume the worst, because some day the assumption might be correct, and that day you will be better prepared. But it must also be said, that just because the assumption might some day be true, you must not be afraid of moving forward or forget to enjoy life.

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