Monday, August 29, 2011


I stood upon the land I had persistently conquered
Proudly preaching to the shrinking crowd
Of youth, of truth, of lies, of age
But the years grew old, and my people fled

The spoken word is a living beast
it feasts upon the mind, the soul, the heart
But the ground I had earned, I found
was not ground at all but a full-rigged ship alive

Off, off and away from all things certain and safe
from all rolling tongues, chewing jaws and molding minds
To a place not new, but changed and changing yet
if not there to, then may I stray 'til straying breeds fertile soil

Oh me, that climbed this animated rock
I hope, I wish to be laid here once
Entwined with the flesh of an ever beating heart
so that I may be wed to chance, and not ever settle down.

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